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Customizable packaging solutions for small and large quantities

Glass jars for your cosmetics: a sustainable choice

Glass jars for your cosmetics: a sustainable choice

Oct 30, 2022

Summer is over, but while sunlight will decrease, you still have to take care and protect your skin.

Sunscreens are also necessary in the winter. Indeed, not only you must protect your skin from UvB radiation, common mostly in the summer, but especially from UvA rays, which occur all over the year and at all times of the day.

In order to store your creams and sunscreens, nothing is better than Stocksmsetic glass jars. These glass jars, available with different product lines, represent a 100% sustainable cosmetic choice. In fact, glass is a natural material and it is entirely recyclable.

For consumers who care about the environment, Stocksmetic glass jars are the perfect choice.

glass jars for creams

Glass jars suitable to your beauty routine

One of the primary risks of makeup is blocking the pores of our skin. For this reason, in the morning or in the evening, do not forget to wash your skin with a rinsing cleanser in order to purify it from metabolic waste. Our Pure glass jar is designed specifically to contain these kinds of cream cosmetics. Available in the sizes 50 and 200 ml, and in clear or frosted glass, these glass jars are an efficient method to store your creams in a sustainable way, while preserving their high quality.

After cleansing, the following step is face hydration. You will have different options: a tonic to rebalance your pH, micellar water, some light fluids and some fresh sorbet creams with a texture halfway between cream and gel. We at Stocksmetic have the cosmetic packaging suitable to contain your creams. Probably, the most appropriate is the Pure frosted glass jar 50 ml. Frosted glass is highly resistant but also smooth, and it can be easily decorated to seem even more pleasant to the eye.

sustainable glass jars

Glass jars: a sustainable choice

Nowadays, environmental protection and products safety are extremely important topics. As we already said, glass is the perfect material if we want to make a 100% sustainable choice. Differently from a plastic packaging, glass does not contain BPA (Bisphenol-A) or other additives, so there is no risk that other dangerous chemicals are filtered inside. Since glass is not toxic and is less porous than plastic, it is waterproof and no other environmental agent can impact the product integrity. This extra product protection allows a longer conservation, thus a lower amount of waste, from which the environment can benefit.

Above all, glass is a completely recyclable material, and it does not have any quality loss during the entire process. This means that the majority of glass packaging will not end up in landfill, but it could be reused without compromising the integrity of the new product. For your products, a glass packaging represents the most sustainable choice you could make to safeguard the planet. Therefore, the wide set of Stocksmetic glass jars is what is right for you, to preserve quality while helping the environment. For instance, Heavy glass jars will combine the concept of sustainability with a high-level elegance and sophistication. But that is not all. Indeed, the collections Ego, Miracle, Infusion and New Petit, available in different sizes and with clear of frosted glass, are surely valid choices to store your face creams. And don't forget to customize your bottles with a distinguishing feature or with your company's graphic to make them really unique.

glass jars sustainable

Glass jars for your cosmetic recipes

But there is more! If you decide that you don't want to use your glass bottle for your creams, we at Stocksmetic suggest you not to throw it away. In fact, for a sustainable choice, the reuse of some products is essential, and in this case creativity and good effort are the keywords. 

For example, our glass jars are also perfect to store some greedy cosmetic recipes. Today we will make you discover some!

Rose petal cream:


  • 2 tbs sweet almond oil
  • 4 handfuls of rose petals
  • 3 tbs vodka
  • natural water as required
  • 1 tbs beeswax
  • 4 drops of argan oil

Put in a jar the rose petals, add vodka and fill everything up with natural water. Then, close the infusion and let it rest for two weeks. Afterwards, add the sweet almond oil and the tablespoon of beeswax in a bain-marie. Fill it up with the argan oil, to obtain a perfect cream to hydrate and perfume your skin. In order to store it, choose the elegant Heavy clear glass jar 75 ml or the Heavy frosted glass jar

glass jars stocksmetic

Eucalyptus, mint and coconut creams:


  • 3 tbs beeswax
  • 3 tbs coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup cocoa butter
  • 1/3 cup jojoba oil
  • 7 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 6 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

Warm the beeswax, the cocoa butter and coconut and jojoba oils in a pan on low heat. Remove the mixture from the heat and mix it up for about two minutes. The result will be an amazing cream, where the cocoa butter effect will help purify also the driest and most chapped skins. For a long-term conservation, Stocksmetic glass jars are what you are looking for.

recipees glass jars sustainable

For new sustainable recipes, don't forget to follow us on our social media Instagram and Facebook: join a community which is interested in protecting out planet! 

These are only some of the possible hundreds of ideas. Unleash your imagination, and store your creams and cosmetic products in Stocksmetic glass jars. Make a sustainable choice, without giving up the quality and the elegance of our cosmetic packaging lines.

If you have any question, send us a ticket in our dedicated website page! Stocksmetic, among the best packaging companies in Italy, will immediately take care of your specific request