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Customizable packaging solutions for small and large quantities

The importance of graphics in the development of effective cosmetic packaging

The importance of graphics in the development of effective cosmetic packaging

Aug 28, 2017

Making cosmetic packaging is a fundamental part of product sales, and we at Stocksmetic know that very well. We had already talked about the history and evolution of packaging. Today, however, we want to show you why the design of cosmetic packaging is a key component for good promotion of a product.

What makes the design of cosmetic packaging so fundamental?

Our cosmetic products must be unique, but just as unique must be the packaging that the consumer buys. The uniqueness factor is important because:

  1. Unique implies different from the rest of the market. That means we are able to capture the consumer's attention;
  2. Unique also implies that the consumer can only buy that particular product from us, and from no other;
  3. If the consumer feels that the product offered is unique it is also difficult to think of something alternative to replace it;
  4. Thanks to the packaging, we can build a relationship with the customer based on the brand's uniqueness, but also on the uniqueness of the identity of the consumer.
cosmetic packaging graphics

The brand is a strong link with the consumer. In fact, in addition to basing his own purchases on the "trust" that is being transmitted, he tries to buy products that have a sense of "familiarity". Packaging is so essential that it becomes a synonym for brand. Let's think about iconic products such as the Coca-Cola bottle, the Chanel No. 5 package, the Heinz ketchup bottle, or the Tiffany Blue Box.

The distinctiveness of graphics in the creation of cosmetic packaging

There are several elements that make these packagings unique: think about the red color of Coca-Cola, so iconic to allow an immediate association with the brand. The details are never left to chance but are the result of a study and a distinctive creation that allows you to recognize the product immediately, because it is unique and different from others.  

custom cosmetic packaging graphics

Graphics, understood in the widest sense of visual design, are an important element that can stimulate the creativity of companies to create a distinctive product. Labels, stickers, seals and packs are all solutions that help making a product unique, highlighting its character and its peculiarities. Of course you do not have to overdo it: putting too many elements can make our product ambiguous or confused, so sometimes the "less is more" motto can be useful in the design of our products. We need to focus into few, but essential, elements that make our product unique, while remaining faithful to the original brand. This does not mean that the graphics should be simple, but on the contrary it is the result of a long research work.

How to Make Successful Cosmetic Packaging

We've made some examples of packaging that have become iconic. But what are the elements that makes a packaging successful?

  1. It must be well visible and identifiable, while remaining consistent with the brand;
  2. It must make its content clear;
  3. It must keep the properties of the product unaltered;
  4. It must provide clear and immediate information about the product;
  5. It must be practical and easy to facilitate interaction with the consumer. In case of cosmetic packaging products we can differentiate between packages extremely convenient to carry and others that are more suitable for domestic use;
  6. Packaging must be an additional element of the end product experience. The choice of functional cosmetic packaging contributes to the final gratification of the consumer.

We at Stocksmetic know the importance of offering to customers cosmetic packaging and perfume containers with a well-finished and sophisticated design. Not only do we offer products tailored to every need, from the Fragrance line to Skincare line, but we also offer the ability to customize Stocksmetic products through the partnership with Pierre Serigrafia. If you are interested in buying our products, please also look at the article "how to choose the most suitable perfume bottles for each brand" in order to guide you to your choice. Follow us on Stocksmetic to be the first to discover the latest products our brand offers to its customers.