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Customizable packaging solutions for small and large quantities

Effective sun creams for the summer season

Effective sun creams for the summer season

Nov 30, 2022

The use of sun creams is essential to protect the skin from the effects of incorrect exposure to the sun's rays. According to studies, 48% of UV rays affect our skin in hot weather, and in these months it is essential to protect face and hands, which are the most exposed parts of the body even for those who are already tanned or have a dark complexion.

And this is where sun creams come in, as they are the perfect solution for protecting the skin. Sun creams are specific formulations that block the sun's radiation and limit all its harmful effects on our skin. Not everyone knows, in fact, that the sun is good for your health because it stimulates the production of vitamin D, but prolonged direct exposure exposes you to two problems: premature skin ageing and possible skin cancer.


Create your own sun care line with Stocksmetic Packaging

There are three key words to keep in mind when creating sunscreen formulations: UVA, UVB and SPF. UVB rays are responsible for erythema, burns, sunburn; while UVA rays penetrate deeper, do not give a sensation of sunburn, and allow you to spend many hours in the sun without feeling the damage. Until now, the latter have been much underestimated, but a good sunscreen must be broad-spectrum and also protect against UVA radiation. In Europe, regulations stipulate that a good sunscreen must offer UVA protection equal to 1/3 of UVB protection. Finally, SPF is the best known indicator of the effectiveness of a sunscreen. There are four standard categories: low protection (6 to 10), medium (15-25), high (30-50), very high (50+).

Stocksmetic has created a line of packaging entirely dedicated to sunscreen products: from the Tubo bottles particularly suitable for protective creams, to the Heavy bottles combined with accessories such as the spray pump or dispenser, suitable for formulations to be sprayed on hair or for body oils. All Stocksmetic packs are made of the highest quality materials to protect and store your products in the best possible way, even under the sun.