To meet the many needs of our customers, we have introduced a new section within our website - Help - in order to simplify and make more direct communication with users, who can independently find all the information about the world Stocksmetic.
Dear Customer, we inform you that customer care and warehouses will be closed on 8th, 25th and 26th December 2020 and 1st and 6th January 2021.
In addition, our customer care will be operational on 24th and 31st December from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
All orders that include boxes, labels or screen printed items will be processed from 11th January 2021.
At this particular time, masks are a fundamental device to protect your own health and the health of others.
Stocksmetic, to meet the needs of the market and its customers, has introduced in the Hygiene & Safety section of its e-shop the ARYA mask, an innovative product, completely Made in Italy, designed to ensure greater personal protection, in full respect of the environment.
Considering the current situation due to the spread of the Covid-19 emergency worldwide and the increase in demand for hand sanitizer products, Stocksmetic Packaging has decided to satisfy the needs of its customers by creating a section dedicated entirely to hygiene and safety.