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Aromatherapy and essential oils for your wellness

Aromatherapy and essential oils for your wellness

Nov 28, 2017

Aromatherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that exploits the therapeutic power of essential oils extracted from flowers and plants to influence our psychological anphysical well-being. But perhaps not everyone knows that we can try the benefits of aromatherapy comfortably at home. So let's learn how to create personalized essential oils to be stored in pharmaceutical packaging containers.

Although aromatherapy is a practice not formally recognized by the scientific world, there are many evidences that show its effectiveness to enhance a healthy mind and body. The discovery of the therapeutic potential of medicinal plants dates back to ancient times, but essential oils have began to be extracted from flowers, fruits and officinal plants only since Middle Ages.

The technique to obtain essential oils, known as distillation, was invented by the Arabs and developed during the Middle Ages. One of the first essential oils produced by distillation is rose essential oil, from which rose water - widely used for fragrances and cosmetics - is still today obtained. 

Neverthless aromatherapy became an issue only in the Twenties, when french chemist René Maurice Gattefossé began to study the medicinal properties of essences like lavender essential oil. Gattefossé gave new impetus to aromatherapy as we know it and, thanks to his studies, essential oils began to be used in the production of cosmetics. But it was the medical surgeon Jean Valnet who gave pseudo-scientific status to the discipline with the book "Aromathérapie", systematically defining the healing powers of essential oils.

Gattefossé and Valnet's studies contributed to scientific recognition of the therapeutic properties of many different plants and to make essential oils distillation a common practice not only in the production of fragrances but also of cosmetics.

But what is essential oil?

Essential oils are highly concentrated volatile substances which are extracted from different parts of the plant such as petals of flowers, leaves or roots, by:

  • steam distillation, that separates the essential oil from the water contained in the plants
  • dry distillation, which don't use solvents to get essential oils
  • cold pressing, more indicated for heat-sensitive plants that would not tolerate steam distillation and for citrus fruits.
Once extracted, essential oils can be topically applied with massages, used in home fragrance diffusers or taken through direct inhalation.  

pharmaceutical packaging

Benefits and contraindications of aromatherapy

According to various studies, aromatherapy does not only affect mood and emotions, but also the immune and endocrine systems. The therapeutic properties of essential oils range from invigorating or relaxing to anti-inflammatory effect but can also be used for their antiseptic or cicatrizating properties. Essential oils can also improve blood circulation and reduce joint pain.

However, since they are so concentrated, you must always rely on your physician or aromatherapist before taking them and make sure they don't cause allergic reactions or irritations.

As they are not water-soluble, they can be poured in home fragrance diffusers to gently spread their essence in your environment. For skin application you can dilute them in other carrier oils to reduce their concentration and avoid unpleasant irritations.

So let's discover how to make 3 simple DIY aromatherapy recipes and how to best store them in pharmaceutical packaging.

bottles and jars for aromatherapy

Relaxing essential oils mix to fight stress and insomnia

Aromatherapy is mainly used to help relaxation during stressful periods or to fight insomnia. An ideal recipe for both topical application and inhalation can be made by mixing 2 drops of lavender, bergamot and melissa essential oil. Pamper yourself with a mix of regenerating and relaxing essential oils for controlling anxiety and facilitating sleep. In order to best preserve all the essential oils properties you can choose the Stocksmetic pharmaceutical packaging line, such as the 15 ml Essential glass bottle.

aromatherapy packaging

Invigorating essential oils to wake up in the morning with the right boost of energy

If your problem is the wake up call, you can opt for a super-energizing recipe to best start your day. Basil and mint essential oil have remarkable boosting properties that help you face the day with energy and vitality. The grapefruit essence is perfect to stimulate attention. In order to make this morning concentrated source of energy, just pour 2 drops of each oil into hot water and inhale. But you can also store the essential oils for the next inhalations in glass bottles with dropper like the 5 ml Tubo glass bottle.

pharmaceutical packaging

Concentrated essences to fight cold and sore throat

An excellent natural remedy against the first seasonal illnesses is a mix of essential oils with antibacterial, antiseptic and expectorant properties. Add 2 drops of lavender essential oil to 2 drops of eucalyptus or peppermint essence and 2 drops of camphor essential oil. You will get a perfect solution for fighting respiratory infections. Try it in a bowl of warm water for inhalations or massage it gently on your chest before sleeping for a mucolytic effect against cough. For a perfect preservation choose the practicality of glass pharmaceutical packaging such as the 15 ml Cobalt glass bottle.

Pharmaceutical packaging: bottles, pills jars and accessories for your pharmaceutical line

Let's try yourself homemade aromatherapy with these easy essential oil recipes and discover all the pharmaceutical packaging line specifically designed by Stocksmetic for your pharmaceutical products.